Manage Your Data in the Cloud

3DEXPERIENCE® WORKS takes pain out of data management and lets you focus on creating amazing products

For designers and engineers, data can be a chore. No one wants to wrestle with files and version control. When a data issue does rear its ugly head, you'll wish you gave data management a second thought.


What if you could take the data pain away? 3DEXPERIENCE WORKS makes it possible to secure, share and manage your data in one collaborative, interactive, cloud-based environment. Watch the demo video series to learn how you can make your data work for you by:


  •  Securing design data and supporting documentation
  • Organizing designs and supporting documentation
  • Comparing geometry changes and finding duplicates in component design
  • Comparing components and changes in assembly design
  • Using SOLIDWORKS Desktop with the 3DEXPERIENCE platform
Manage Your Data in the Cloud


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