A new way of learning with Fun & Educational Apps for Kids

SolidWorks Apps for Kids aims to transform the learning system through a set of fascinating educational apps.

You wish to encourage your child’s curiosity or growing interest for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math 

(STEM)?– Apps for Kids is the answer!

With this set of apps, your kid will experience holistic growth and thrill at the same time. Through this revolutionary 

educational 3D technology, children can develop exceptional skills for future success.

At Apps for Kids, we help your child fall in love with learning and experiment through fascinating design tools.

At SWAFK, we help your child fall in love with learning and experiment through fascinating design tools.

One-Stop Solution to Make Kids Future Ready for SolidWorks

Apps for Kids lays a foundation for your child to develop skills required in the professional world. Through these transformative 3D educational apps, children acquire the ground-level aptitudes needed for using the professional SolidWorks software.

Eagerness to learn: Develop the knack for learning and experimenting with apps like Shape It and Style It. These educational apps for 4–14-year-olds inculcate a sense of passion for achieving and the drive to learn.

Readiness for growth: Kids will develop the flair to explore designing tools and create 3D and 2D shapes, at a young age. This type of skills will be extremely useful to your child throughout their whole professional career, whether in engineering or in a different field.

From Apps for Kids to SolidWorks Pro: This set of educational apps for children creates a link between basic learning and professional practice. Before getting to the powerful CAD designing tools, let children prepare with Apps for Kids fun and easy apps.

Fuel your kids passion for exploring the fascinating world of science, technology, and design with Apps for Kids. Maximize your child’s growth experience with a full-fledged set of educational apps for kids free of cost!


Watch the Captivating Creations of Passionate Young Minds

These designs are live examples of how Apps for Kids helps kids develop 3D and creation skills. They can create shapes from their imagination or transform existing images to form unique objects. Through these apps, we 

aim to add value to your child’s life, building in them the tenacity to experiment.

Our platform drives kids to step out of their comfort zone and create extraordinary designs, thereby preparing them for the future. With this mindset, kids will perform phenomenally while learning and implementing skills using the SolidWorks software.

SolidWorks educational apps for kids create a never-ending series of fun and learning with passion.  Register now and watch your kids learn with joy

Apps for Kids Educational Apps Setting the STEM Framework for Kids

Apps for Kids stands out among the crowd of educational apps by letting your child gain hands-on learning.

Our team of expert developers has created these apps to help children gain STEM knowledge through real-world examples. These apps provide a wide-ranging learning environment for young minds to play

with creativity and embrace challenges.

Science: Shape It and Mech It let your child create complex shapes in a few simple steps. Use multiple options like connectors and bars to make moving objects of varying forms, while getting familiar with the mesmerizing world of mechanics.

Technology: Getting acquainted with technology cannot be simpler. SolidWorks Apps for Kids is the simplest set of apps you will come across. Plus, it comes with a lot of tutorial videos for 

kids to learn and create.

Engineering: Mech It is the ultimate app to help your child play with motors and gain insights into how they work. It’s definitely a haven for young scientists eager to use eccentric tools.

Math: All the 5 online apps contribute to helping kids learn math in practical ways. While Shape It lets kids multiply squares and trapeziums to expand shapes, Mech It lets them play with geometry.

SolidWorks educational apps for kids create a never-ending series of fun and learning with passion. 

Register now and watch your kids learn with joy