Yacht Designer Sets Sail with DraftSight

GPNA S.R.L. saves time, controls costs, and experiences growth with DraftSight

Griscia Pastacaldi Naval Architecture (GPNA S.R.L.), a naval architecture and yacht design consulting firm, creates high-quality yacht designs. GPNA needed a flexible, user-friendly 2D design application that enabled it to coordinate, communicate, manage, and collaborate on projects efficiently and cost-effectively.

The Solution: Implement DraftSight design software.

GPNA uses DraftSight to effectively communicate and share design ideas and drawings across the design team – typically in DWG format – reducing yacht development time.  DraftSight is largely responsible for producing the efficiencies, flexibility, and communication capabilities GPNA relies on to fuel, support, and maintain a growth rate of roughly 20 percent each year.

How GPNA succeeds with DraftSight:

  • Accelerate development – 25 percent reduction in design time
  • Control costs – 10 percent reduction in development costs
  • Grow the business – business growth up 20 percent




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